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Dental Extractions – Dallas, TX

Build a Healthier Foundation for Your Smile

Dentists typically try to save your natural teeth at all costs because they understand that there’s no substitution that can compare to them. However, in some cases, if a tooth is damaged or decayed beyond repair, the only way to preserve your oral health may be to remove it. In these situations, Dr. De Simone will be able to help prevent current or future pain and swelling by extracting the tooth. To learn more about this procedure, read on.

Why Choose Dr. De Simone for Dental Extractions?

Common Reasons for Dental Extractions

There can be several reasons why your dentist may suggest extracting a tooth, or multiple teeth, including: 

Dental Extraction Procedure

Whether you need to have one tooth or multiple teeth extracted, it can always be done in a safe and comfortable setting. Local anesthesia is used in all cases and is supplemented with various levels of conscious sedation, ranging from nitrous oxide to IV sedation or deeper conscious sedation (the latter being provided by a dental anesthesiologist). Your dentist will consult with Dr. De Simone both before and after your extractions to ensure that a proper restorative plan is in place after your procedure.

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